torsdag 4 oktober 2007

Brev till Skottland

"I think we were at least 15 in those pictures.. so.. that's actually legal in sweden.. to have a 15 year old bf or gf.. and it's ok to have sex with them as well.. That's what makes Sweden such a great country. Sex with children has always been a corner stone of democracy...

Some of the other things that makes Sweden such a great country are that it was illegal to have sauna clubs until recently and that the government could lobotomize and steralize people until 1975.

Oh yes, and that it until 1990 (ish) only were like two grocery franchises in Sweden and that one of them were owned "by the people".

The grocery development is really slow... I think I saw the first olive oil bottle in stores in 2000 or so... but I don't think that's strange for a country who has fermented fish as one of their national delicacys.

The former Swedish government, or at least one of the politicians actually had a proposal that two people who were about to have sex should write a contract before the act to exclude rape suspicions after.

So, I really don't understand why Sven hates this country...he's silly"

onsdag 3 oktober 2007

Visste du att... V.40

  • Visste du att världens största munspel väger 352 ton, tillverkades 1982 och går att skåda på Royal King Regal Cod Plaza i Tamburine?
  • Visste du att världens minsta mungiga bara väger 1,23 gram och att hela 1:a Moseboken är graverad på dess mantelarea?
  • Visste du att lufttrycket nere vid marken är en hel atmosfär?
  • Visste du att amerikanska flaggan kunde ses 211 gånger i filmen Casablanca?
  • Visste du att Adolf Hitler är synonymt för röda fina äpplen från Småland?
  • Visste du att "Kemiske Ali" betyder "I min lilla låda" på kinesiska?

Åh, älskling

När jag kommer hem ska jag knulla dig i röven och kissa dig i munnen. Å älskling, du bajsar så fint.

Oj, fel blogg